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Mark Tagliareni

What Is The Training Procedure For SORA Security Guard License?

Updated: Jan 15, 2024

Do you want to get a job in security positions in New Jersey? Then you must have heard about SORA security guard license training. SORA stands for Security Officer Registration Act (SORA) – an act that provides procedures for licensing of security officer companies and for registration, certification, and training, of security officers employed by those companies, supplementing Title 45, in compliance by 2006

Prior to 2006, anyone could take responsibility for your protection, regardless of their relevant training and license. And since the SORA Act was passed in New Jersey in 2006, security officers must register themselves with the NJ State Police, take a state-certified training class for SORA, and get their background checked before they can start their service as security guard officers in NJ.


Read Through Training Steps For SORA Security Guard License Carefully

The three actions listed below must be followed to obtain a SORA license. After finishing the stages, you will earn your SORA security guard certification.

Step 1. Register With New Jersey State Police

As was stated in the post's introduction, being a SORA-certified security officer requires registration with the New Jersey state police. First time applicants, as well as returning applicants, must complete an online application through the New Jersey State Police website. First time applicants will create a new account. Returning applicants who are looking to renew their certification or apply for a different application can do so through their existing account. There is a $75 application fee for first time applicants and an $80 fee for renewal applicants.

Payment can be processed via credit or debit cards. Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are accepted forms of payments. All fees are non-refundable. If you do not complete the fingerprinting and training course within thirty days, you must submit a new application and pay the application fee again. The unarmed SORA license is good for two years. The armed SORA license is good for one year. If you wish to apply for the armed SORA license, it is strongly recommended that you apply for your NJ Permit to Carry a Handgun first. The armed SORA license does not give you authorization to carry a firearm. The handgun carry permit application is done through your local police department’s website. Once you finish the SORA application on the NJ State Police website, you are given a temporary license that is good for 30 days. This allows you to start working as you complete the next two required steps.

Step 2. Get Yourself Registered For SORA Training

Registering for SORA training classes is the next step towards becoming a SORA-certified officer. To register for SORA training, you will need to provide the six digit application number that the State Police will issue to you once you complete their application. This number is also found on your 30 day temporary certificate. You will also need to provide a photo ID at the start of class.

Step 3. Get Fingerprinted

Applicants must be fingerprinted using the MorphoTrust form provided at the end of the Security Officer application. This form is already filled out with the required information for fingerprinting. If you do not use the correct form provided, the State Police will not receive fingerprints and you will need to be fingerprinted again. To schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted, you can call the number located at the bottom of the application or schedule online at

What Are The Topics Covered In SORA Training?

The main advantage in the Security Officer Registration Act's requirement is that officers become knowledgeable in various subjects. The 24-hour SORA training program equips officers with the skills for various positions. Officers are instructed in ethical training, the appropriate use of force, and powers of arrest and detainment in SORA training in New Jersey. Protocols for physical restraint are also taught. These issues shield people from abuses of authority while simultaneously shielding companies from legal action.

In NJ, SORA training also includes instruction in first aid, CPR, and defibrillator use. Students also study fire safety and emergency response procedures. Awareness of terrorism, instruction in spotting explosives, and knowledge of handling suspicious mail and shipments are all part of emergency response awareness training. Finally, SORA training in New Jersey includes the responsibilities commonly assigned to security personnel. It includes instruction in report writing, communications, and theft prevention and deterrence. As you can probably guess by this point, security agents go beyond the observe and report cliché. Our training prepares you to be safe at work and in your personal lives!

Get SORA Security Guard License Training With Us!

Do you want to pursue your career as a SORA-certified security officer? We at NJ Sora Professionals offer top-notch and reliable SORA security guard license courses. Contact us now, and we'll help you advance in your profession. Together with our training programs, we also offer individualized mentorship and consulting services. Please contact us as soon as possible.

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